The Labyrinth and Trail are open for winter use!
Just call 715-546-8080 to make your reservation.
JOB OPENING: Director, Healing Nature Center
The ideal candidate for directorship holds a degree in psychology or another healing art, is an effective communicator, and has a love of Nature, and a deep respect for Her healing powers. Learn more about the position and how to apply here.
About the Healing Nature Center
Inspired by the nature-based healing practices of indigenous people and contemporary research findings on nature’s healing powers, the Healing Nature Center and Trail are designed to foster nature-based physical and emotional healing. Therapists have been seeking a supportive place to work with clients in nature, and the Trail-Center complex has been created to meet their special needs as well. The Center offers retreat space, workshops, and Healing Nature Trail guided tours to the general public. Our Welcome Center features trail maps, healing books, woodland aromatherapy essential oils, and handouts on a variety of topics (including labyrinths, conscious breathing, and animal guides).
If you are a therapist or healer who would like to learn more about how you can work with the Healing Nature Center, you can contact us here.
Discover what the Healing Nature Center has to offer in this 12 minute video tour.
Created by cinematographer Troy Ozuna (troyozuna@yahoo.com). See his portfolio at vimeo.com/troyozuna, his personal story at Youtube.com/EarthStory, and you can join in his work at Patreon.com/EarthStory.
THE HEALING NATURE TRAIL is designed to provide a metaphor for the healing journey, offering multiple paths, alcoves for personal reflection, and log benches nestled between elder trees overlooking bodies of water along the way. All paths are suitable for barefoot walking.
Learn more here
THE WILDFLOWER LABYRINTH is designed to offer healing and restoration to both humans and nature alike. Here, one can prepare themselves for the Healing Nature Trail ahead, or simply utilize the labyrinth as it’s own complete meditation.
Learn more here
THE COSMORINTH is an elevated platform for visitors to experience the meditative benefits of conscious stargazing. A spiral staircase will lead to the top of an elevated 8×8’ platform, which will provide cushioned seating and a telescope for leisure star-gazing.
Learn more here
YOUR DONATION to the Healing Nature Center supports the gateway it provides for people to reconnect with the healing powers of the trees and flowers and waters. Thus, your contribution is helping to restore the state of physical, mental, and emotional wellness that is our innate nature.
All donations are tax-deductible and go directly to Healing Nature Trail maintenance and improvements, and to developing the Healing Nature Center’s Natural History Museum. THANK YOU!